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Monday, October 1, 2012

First Day of Archery

So all of my posts so far have been informational, but I kinda feel like doing something a little bit different this time. This past Saturday was the first day of archery season here in PA. We left my boyfriend's house around noon and made our way to the woods. By the time we got to his treestand and got settled in, it was around 1:30 in the afternoon. Unlike last year, the only thing we saw for most of the day was birds and chipmunks. We started to get a little discouraged as the sun slowly started to sink, and visibility quickly disappeared.

We took turns standing up in the tree stand and quietly stretching out our stiff legs. As soon as I stood up, we heard a deer running towards us. I quickly sat back down so my boyfriend could stand up and get ready to take a shot. As soon as he stood up, the deer, still out of our sight, started to snort. We were only a few hundred yards away from his mother's tree stand, so I though maybe she had  shot the deer and it had run down the hill in front of us and was starting to weaken. After a few seconds, we finally got to see the deer. It was a nice sized doe, but she ran away before my boyfriend could get a shot at her.

Just a few seconds after the doe took off, we got a call from his mom saying that she had just shot a doe and that it had taken off towards us. We told her that we had just seen the doe run past us and towards the field that was about 200 yards in front of us. We made our way up to her treestand to help look for a blood trail. At that point, it was about 7:30p.m, so it was almost completely dark out. It took us around 15 minutes to find the top 8 inches of the arrow broken off and laying, covered in blood, about 30 yards away from where the deer was standing when she was shot. From there, we followed the blood trail for a ways, but ultimately lost it. We searched through the woods and the field until almost 8:30 until we finally called it quits and made our way home.

Even though we didn't find the doe, I would say we had a pretty good day in the woods. Not only did we get to see a deer, but one of us actually got a shot off at it. Plus, it was pretty hard not to bond while we were scouring the woods in the middle of the night with flashlights.

I hope you guys enjoyed my hunting story. If you guys have any stories from your hunting trip that you would like to share on here, please email them to me at with your name, age, and state you were hunting in, and I will post them on here. Thanks for reading!

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