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Friday, October 19, 2012


Just the other day, I was on another hunting blog and saw someones comment about guided hunts not really being hunting. After reading the comment, I have to say that I agree with her. Of course, some guided hunts are simply just people going out in the woods with a guide that helps them learn how to hunt. Other guided "hunts" however in my opinion are despicable and go against everything that I was taught about hunting.
There are deer farms all over the world that raise deer, elk, moose, and just about anything else that people like to hunt. They raise them from the day they are born, to the day that they reach "maturation". What does "maturation" mean? In this case it means that the deer, for example, has a big enough body and a big enough rack to satisfy the "hunter". The guide brings the "hunter" in before the actual hunt to look at all of the deer that they have so that they can pick the one that they want to "hunt" and kill. The "hunter" usually pays up front for the hunting experience based on the size and age of the animal. Once the day of the hunt is determined, the chosen animal, and only that animal, is released into a large fenced in area. The "hunter", who isn't even required to have a hunting permit or license in certain states, goes into the area with the guide to "hunt" their chosen trophy animal.
To me, this is disgusting. I'm all for going out into the woods with a guide who can assist you in the hunt. However, I completely and totally oppose the idea of going into a fenced in area that contains only one animal and taking that animal down.
I have always been taught that hunting is about learning the patterns and routines of the animals that you are hunting in order to figure out where you need to be in order to gain access to them. Hunting to me is a game of chance. You may or may not see anything when you go out hunting, but a real hunter goes back time and time again even if they don't see anything. Hunting is a battle between the hunter and the animal. It is a test of the hunters patience and will. In REAL hunting, the animal has a fair chance to use its senses and possible escape if they can. In a guided "hunt" they don't have a fair chance. The "hunter" in this case doesn't need any patience or will in order to get a deer. They just have to sit there and wait for their guaranteed kill to walk on by.
Not to offend anyone, but anyone that goes on guided hunts like the one I just described is not a hunter at all. They are just a person capable of shooting a firearm.
What do you guys think? Are guided hunts like this really hunting? I would love to hear your opinions!

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