Are you a young woman that loves being in the Great Outdoors? If so, then this is the place for you!!

Monday, October 22, 2012


Okay, this is going to be my weekly rant, so prepare yourselves.
For those of you that don't know, I have created a community on reddit called WomenInTheOutdoors. On reddit, you are able to go on and submit a link or a self reddit, which is just something that you write and submit. I went on, and out of curiosity, I submitted a self reddit to a community called 'hunting' and asked the simple question "Do you think that women are as capable as men when it comes to hunting?" Needless to say, I had to delete this self reddit because the guys tore it apart.
While there are some men that think women that hunt are awesome, there are also those guys out there that seem to be intimidated by strong, independent women that hunt. Some of the comments on my self reddit went like this "It's simply a matter of choice, women could be good hunters, but they choose to never shut up long enough to see anything." Someone responded to that comment with this; "Women would probably talk to the game so much that it would take the gun and shoot itself!" I had a total of 10 comments on my self reddit, and only one of them said that women were great hunters and that their only disadvantage is that women are usually physically weaker which would make it hard to shoot a bow.
These comments just go to show that these men have never hunted with a REAL woman. Men like this disgust me and make me thankful that the men in my life actually value women and their abilities. These guys are not men at all. They are cowards that are afraid that women will out do them in a sport that used to be just for them.
To the guys that left those comments, go hunting with a REAL woman once and we'll see how cocky you are.

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